Graph Compression by BFS
Uploaded by: Sergey Kirgizov
Upload date: 2020-12-11 22:48:19
Edited at: 2020-12-12 00:11:03
Edited by: Sergey Kirgizov


Clever algorithm. The java code is [available on the net]( In 2009, it was almost simultaneously published with [Permuting Web and Social Graphs]( of Boldi et al. At this time it is better than Boldi et al. solution in many cases. The Apostolico-Drovandi paper is mentioned as "The only coordinate-free compression algorithm we are aware of" in [another]( Boldi et al. paper which was published after a while. At that time Boldi et al. provide better results.
Sergey Kirgizov at 2020-12-11 23:11:14
Edited by Sergey Kirgizov at 2020-12-13 13:18:40

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